Fusion 360 Fun

Super quick post to outline my first experiences with our new modeling software Fusion 360.

So far... it... certainly looks... interesting...

At first glance, it seemed a bit intimidating after being so used to programs like Rhino and Grasshopper, but Fusion 360 certainly looks like it has... potential (if I can finally wrap my head around the camera control changes... heh)

Following the video tutorials were pretty simple...

The first tutorial was more of an introduction into the ideas behind Fusion 360... so... super simple...

(Hey look, its... a thing....)

The second tutorial had us create an "L" shaped object through simple sketch commands and a very interesting tool for creating extrusions.

The third tutorial was a somewhat expansion on some of the ideas that were already taught in class, namely the uploading of a design/model from another program (ie. importing/uploading our models for the milling project)- pretty darn simple again...

(Results of the fourth tutorial- another... thing)

The fourth tutorial was where things began to get... interesting... and where things began to make a little more sense to me. The different extrusion options were of great interest, as the execution of similar processes (at least the way I would go about doing them) in Rhino would take a little longer to do. Many of the different tools and options would certainly help speed up different modelling processes... I'm looking forward to exploring these different tools more in-depth... at some point.

(The assembled wheel- not quite aligned right)

The fifth and final tutorial (for now) explained component assembly related tools and processes found in Fusion 360. These were... down-right cool and mildly fun...

(Wheel assembly)

The tutorial was pretty straight forward... after taking a bit of time to review how exactly to align certain components and such. (These new camera controls, being fairly different from the ones used in Rhino and Grasshopper, are still going to take some time to adapt to...)

It was pretty interesting to see how easy it was to align components so they were assembled and work like they would in the actual object. The previews were pretty fun, as was the ability to move the different components after assembly and visualize their movement capabilities in relationship to the components they were attached to.

I must admit, I didn't find the time to create my own design using the tools presented today, but I certainly see potential in the new program and am certainly excited about exploring as many of its capabilities and different tools as possible... hopefully sometime in the near future.


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