....Hey look... I did something...
Continuing from (and finally concluding) the last few blog posts about the parametric designed surface/CNC milled tile, here are the results of the parametric design for a basket-weave tile... design...
(...Interesting...) |
I must admit... I kinda... forgot about this project for quite some time (in light of everything else going on this semester...), though it, almost amazingly, got finished close enough to what I would consider on time.
(Cutting... foam... exciting...) |
After forgetting about this project... I remembered that it was due this week just in time to book one of the last few days available to actually cut this thing on the CNC machine, though it was the day before the project was technically due... eh....
(Pretty terrible photo of what the screen looked like... not much to see here...) |
After updating the Fusion 360 simulation using the new woodshop bit presets supplied by Bryan, it was a pretty easy task of exporting the gcode, taking it down to the woodshop in the morning, and setting the machine to cut the design.
I used the flat 1/8in, long bit, which I think worked pretty well. The step over might had been a but larger than what it should have been, but I kind of like the machine lines in the design...
(Almost done cutting!) |
There wasn't much issue with the bit digging too deep into the material since the design was pretty shallow on the surface and almost all at one depth.
(Also... it was a pretty busy day for me... and between the near constant running up and down stairs and between different places across the school.. I totally forgot to take process photos during the cut.... whoops...)
(Tah-dah... the results... though please ignore the terribly messy background... heh...) |
I did do something terribly stupid while taking the foam off the CNC machine once the cut was finished...
(Teeny gouge that.. somewhat bothers me...) |
I didn't raise the bit high enough before taking it off the machine, and in the process of kid of jerking it off of the tape, I accidentally gouged into the foam with the cutting bit... whoops... It's fine though...
But still, overall, I'm quite happy with the results and would look forward to experimenting further with this... I totally would be interested (at some point in the future... perhaps...) to trying to mill waxes for casting on the smaller CNC machine...
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